Sunday, November 25, 2012

Count Your Many Blessings...

It's November and almost December...Can you believe it? Turkey Day has come and gone.  Each day I realize more and more that I am one lucky chicka and have been blessed with SO much.  After realizing everything you have been given it really causes you to think...what did I do to deserve so much? And am I living up to my full potential? The purpose of this post express my gratitude for all that I have been given. I am grateful for...
  1. Close family relationships. I have the greatest parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins ever. Nothing brings me more joy than being with my family.  My aunts are like my second moms, and my cousins are some of my greatest friends.  Moving to a small town with no connections and further from my family has been a struggle and has made me appreciate them even more. I am so grateful for their humor, examples, phone calls, prayers, messages, and visits.  
  2. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am blessed to have the good news of the gospel in my life. Although I am weak and imperfect, I know that through the atonement I can one day become strong and complete.  
  3. Friends/besties/chums/old roomies. They make me want to be a better person and help me live my life to fullest.  They taught me that life should be full of dance parties, alter ego nights, midnight snacks, guitar jam sessions, movie nights, gas station runs, good food, girls nights, road trips, vacations, concerts, rope swinging, hot tubbing, obscure food nights, no bake cookies, shopping, creativity, laughing, daydreams, etc.
  4. Twin Falls roommates. Becky and I became the greatest friends in a very short amount of time...we will no doubt be friends for life. Thank you Becky for helping me adjust and make the transition to my Twin Falls/graduated life.  I am also grateful for my current roommate Candace and our other single friend Amanda. Life can get lonely in Twin Falls and I am so grateful to have them.  They definitely keep my life entertaining and busy. 
  5. Job in this economy. I was so blessed to have a job waiting for me right after graduation. I love my allows me to have direct contact with patients and other healthcare providers and make me feel that I am truly making a difference. Not only do I love my job...but I love all the ladies I work with.  There is never a dull moment in our office and they have become some of my greatest friends. 
  6. Education. I was able to complete my undergraduate/graduate degrees rather quickly.  I am grateful for the strength, direction, and help that Heavenly Father gave me throughout graduate school. I know that I would not have been able to do it alone and that I definitely received divine help to accomplish everything that was required of me. 
  7. Financial stability. I am so grateful that I had scholarships and a good job(s) during college to help me pay for my schooling. Although it wasn't fun or easy working long hours in the summer during my undergrad or working 3 jobs during graduate school, it all payed off. I am very lucky that I only had to take out a small loan to help me pay for my last semester of graduate school.  My job(s) and scholarships helped me start my professional career with some financial stability.  
  8. Power of prayer. I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers. I know that he loves me and has my best interest at heart. I have learned that He knows me better than I know myself. Sometimes things don't turn out the way I expected...but in the end I realize that I am much better off following the Lord's agenda and plan for me instead the one I planned for myself. 
  9. Sundays.  Sunday is my favorite day of the week. I love the weekly opportunity that I have to go to church, partake of the sacrament, and  learn of the gospel.  Also...don't let me forget to mention Sunday naps (they are a must). 
  10. Sunrises and sunsets. First they are gorgeous. Two...The sunrise is a perfect reminder that we can move on no matter what happened last year, last month, last week, or yesterday because today is a new day.  And. Three...the sunset signifies the end of the day and gives me time to consider how I can be and do a little better tomorrow. 
  11. I am grateful for the beautiful world that we live in.  I just love mountains, oceans, lakes, rivers, flowers, and trees. Looking at nature reminds me of how much Heavenly Father must love us.  
  12. The Cabin. Although I miss our summer trips to Bear Lake...I love Marysvale. Nothing is better than spending time with the fam and 4-wheelers, jet skis, trails, lakes, and rivers.   
  13. Good health with zero hospital/ER visits.  I am very clumsy and  uncoordinated (just ask my parents) but I have escaped with only minor injuries from all my accidents. There is no doubt that someone is taking care of me. 
  14. Modern day medicine. It is pretty incredible what drugs, procedures, and tests can do now days. 
  15. Food. Like most typical dietitians I am a total foody. I love to cook and try new recipes. I am a HUGE fan of authentic ethnic foods (Thai, Indian, Italian are my favs!!). Twin Falls is not an ideal place for a foody like myself. I am pretty convinced that the Idahoans have different taste buds...they are lovers of bland food with no spice. You better believe that one of my first days in Twin Falls was spent driving and looking for some legit ethnic restaurants and markets. No worries...I found some decent Vietnamese and Indian. 
  16. Smiles and humor.  The world would do well if everyone just lightened up a little.  I am guilty of surrounding myself with those with an awesome sense of humor. 
  17. Technology. The things we can do with all the technology we have are just about limitless. It is pretty amazing to think how many technological advances have happened within in my lifetime.  ie. text messaging, slim/non-bulky cellphones, smartphones, WIFI, ipods, ipads, laptops, blu-ray, netflix, facebook, skype, internet access, online shopping, online banking, google, wikipedia, GPS etc. 
  18. Outdoor recreation.  What's not to love about 4 wheeling, hiking, biking, water sports, and snow skiing? 
  19. Exercise. I love exercise...but mostly I love the feeling I have after a good workout. Recently I discovered a love for Zumba (dance party and exercise...two of my loves in one complete package).  
  20. Weekends. Weekends keep me sane after a long work week. Also...weekends generally mean a trip to Logan or SLC. 
  21. Temples. I am far from perfect but the temple puts life in perspective. I know what is required of me in order to return to live with God and be with my family forever.  I also know I can't do it alone and that I must turn to my Savior to help my imperfections become whole and complete. 
  22. Books. I am a sucker for a good book. Once I find a good one...I have difficult time putting it down until it is completed. 
  23. Music. You will find me listening to music as I get ready, in my car, at work, while I clean, while I exercise, while I cook...I just love it. 
  24. Fashion/Shopping. Confession. I love to shop.  Retail works. I am grateful for the clothes and shoes that I have.  I realize that I live a good life. There are many people in other countries and the U.S. who have nothing but the clothes on their backs.  
  25. Gluten Free Foods.  Gluten free products that taste normal and restaurants have a gluten free menu just make me happy. Wanna win the love of a gluten intolerant individual...make them something gluten free. But. Seriously. I am grateful for my parents, family, and friends/co-workers who go out of their way to find something I can eat.  Eating gluten free has not been that big of a deal for me. Do I have to turn down foods when offered? Yes. Do I often pack gluten free foods with me? Yes. But it doesn't even phase me or make me feel left out. That being said, I do appreciate when people go out of their way to provide gluten free products when I am makes me feel like they truly care and appreciate me as an individual.  Just a few examples...Whenever I come home to visit my parents will wake up and early and make 2 breakfasts (a gluten free one for me and one for the rest the fam). My wonderful co-worker bought gluten free flour (which is expensive) to make gluten free pumpkin bread for staff meeting. My boss brought cookies to the office the other day and made sure that one of the options was gluten free. 
  26. Ward Family. Shortly after moving to Twin Falls I started going to a family ward instead of a singles ward for personal reasons. I was nervous about attending a family ward. Would they even know what to do with me? I would clearly be the odd man out because 1) I am not married 2) My parents don't even attend that ward and 3) I have no children. However, as I stepped into the church my first week I was overwhelmed with the kindness and love that I received.  It has been the best ward and a great experience. Each week I continue to feel an overwhelming amount of love and sense of welcomeness. Words cannot express how much I appreciate their love, sincerity, and willingness to involve me in their ward.  They have taught me an invaluable lesson on being disciples of Christ. 
  27. Photography.  My drawing/painting/sculpting/singing skills probably match that of a kindergartner. No joke. But...I can take pictures and design. Photography allows me to create and express myself. Thanks to photography I view the scenes around me from a different angle. 
  28. Travel. I love to see  new things, eat new foods, and experience different cultures. I recently returned from Hawaii. While on my trip I had a great epiphany.  My cousin who is a graduated professional just recently married sent me a text and told me that this was the best time of my life (I am graduated, I am young, I am single, I have a job, and I can travel). Her text made me realize that although my greatest desire is find a spouse and have family of my own, Heavenly Father is giving me this time (or the greatest time of my life) in exchange for that right now. He knows what I want/desire but for some reason it is not the right time for that. He knows the single life is hard (especially in Twin Falls) and he has given me this period/phase of life that many people never have. I am SO blessed! 
  29. Holidays. I love the Holiday season. Mostly because it means a lot of family time, parties, and food. 
  30. Electric blankets/heater. I lived in the ice box (AKA Logan, UT) 6 years and learned very quickly how grateful I am for electric blankets/heat/hot water/hot chocolate/coats. However I just had this re-confirmed to me...this week our furnace and water heater have stopped working twice. I quickly realized that I take my warm apartment and hot water for granted. 

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